What You Need to Know Before Bringing Your Puppy Home
Transition Period
When a puppy goes to it's new home, it is under stress. A lot of things are exciting, but everything is new! Also, mom's immunity is wearing off during this time. The puppy could become sick with something that normally wouldn't affect them because stress negatively affects the immune system. Bringing a new puppy home is a bit like bringing a new baby home. You have to take precautions. Please follow the following recommendations:
1) Limit their exposure to their new home and new family members for the first week--no dog parks, big family gatherings, etc.
2) When you take your puppy to the vet, don't put them on the floor--there could have been sick pets there before. Don't take them to areas where other dogs frequent until they are 16 weeks old and have completed puppy vaccinations.
3) Provide frequent companionship during transition as your puppy is leaving everything they have known. New routines can be started after the first week.
1) Designate one area outside as "potty" area.
2) Take your puppy to the potty area at least every two hours and use a command word or phrase such as "go potty!" When they potty outside, praise them and let them know you are pleased with them.
3) Take puppy to potty area after eating, sleeping, or play time. These are key times that they will need to go.
4) If you have been outside for five minutes and they still have not eliminated, go back inside, but watch for signs of needing to eliminate: circling, pacing, intense sniffing, suddenly stopping an activity.
5) Have a crate, puppy pen, or baby gate set up to confine puppy to a small area while housetraining. This will make it easier for you to monitor the puppy and will also keep them safe.
We have Bixbi kibble available at all times for our puppies when they begin to wean. We also feed a meal of raw meat in the morning and air-dried food in the evening. You will receive samples of both the kibble and either the meat or air-dried food when you pick up your puppy. You can read more about the food we use on our "Health Recommendations" page. You will need to indicate whether you prefer to feed raw meat or air-dried food below so we know which sample to send with you. While we have food available at all times, you will need to establish meal times in order to facilitate housetraining. Puppies need to be fed 3-4 time/day initially and can be gradually reduced to twice/day by 6 months of age. You must make sure they eat as small puppies can get hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) if they skip meals. It's a good idea to have Nutrical on hand in case they do experience low blood sugar. Read more about Hypoglycemia on our "Health Recommendations" page. Always have fresh, clean water available!
Supply safe chew toys and divert puppies attention from things they are not supposed to chew on. Keep unsafe items out of the puppy's reach.
Your puppy is still a baby with growing bones until over a year old. Never pick them up by the legs. Don't let them jump from high places. Too much or too strenuous of activity can cause stress on the skeletal system. Talk to your vet about a safe exercise program.
Veterinary Care:
Your puppy needs to have their first checkup with your vet within four days as spelled out on the contract. We follow the vaccine schedule developed by Dr Jean Dodds, DVM for our puppies. You can read about this schedule here: https://ckcsc.org/vaccinations. Read more about vaccinations on our "Health Recommendations" page. We recommend waiting to spay or neuter your puppy until they are at least one year old as sex hormones play a big role in development.
Keep nails trimmed regularly. Daily brushing with a natural boar bristle brush will minimize shedding and keep coat in good condition. Only bathe as needed as bathing too often will dry out skin. If you need to bathe, use a gentle shampoo such as an oatmeal shampoo.
What to Bring When Picking Up Puppy:
1) Small, lunchbox sized cooler for taking home the 1-lb frozen sample of meat.
2) Baby wipes or paper towels for cleaning up any messes.
3) Plastic grocery bags to tie off any messes.
4) Puppy potty pads and a plastic tote or box to put it in (do not take puppy to potty in public areas where a sick pet may have been--reference "transition period" above).
5) Crate to put your puppy in if they get restless or if you are by yourself and need to stop for fuel or a restroom break.
6) Nutrical--this is important as puppy may not eat while riding and blood sugar could drop on a long drive. It can be purchased at pet stores or online at Chewy.com or Amazon.com. Read more about Hypoglycemia on our "Health Recommendations" page.
What You Will Receive When You Pick up Your Puppy:
1) Health Record
2) AKC/CKC registration paper (which you can fill out and mail in or fill out online). ***Be sure to register the microchip with AKC Reunite in order to be notified if your puppy gets lost! If you are not planning to register your puppy with AKC, you can still register the microchip at akcreunite.org.
3) NuVet Sample and pamphlets (don't forget to place your order so you have the supplement when you bring your new puppy home! This helps boost their immune system.) Ordering instructions are listed on our "Health Recommendations" page.
4) Sample of Bixbi kibble and 1-lb of frozen raw meat or air-dried food
5) Microchip stickers.
6) Blanket containing familiar smells for puppy to have for transition
7) Goodies (toy, chew stick, etc)
Please read the above and fill out the quiz at least 1 week before you pick up your puppy